American Choral Directors Association is governed by an Executive Committee (EC) made up of officers elected by national vote, as well as a National Board made up of EC officers, an elected chair (Choral Repertoire and Resources), an appointed representative (Industry Representative), and elected regional presidents. Its governing documents include Constitution and Bylaws, which can be modified by a vote of the members.
Executive Committee (2023-2025)
David Fryling, President
Edith Copley, Vice President
Pearl Shangkuan, President-elect
André Thomas, Past President
Tom Merrill, Treasurer/Secretary
Ex Officio: Robyn Hilger, Executive Director
National Board (2023-2025)
In addition to Executive Committee members:
Amanda Hanzlik, Eastern Region President
Derrick Fox, Midwestern Region President
Steven Zielke, Northwestern Region President
Jeffery Ames, Southern Region President
Jonathan Owen, Southwestern Region, President
Julie Dana, Western Region President
Gretchen Harrison, National R&R Chair
Arreon Harley-Emerson, National Diversity Initiatives
Oliver Scofield, Industry Representative
National Standing Committees (2023-2025)
ACDA has seven national standing committees:
Advocacy and Collaboration
Emily Williams Burch, Chair
Members: Jeffrey Benson, Alex Gartner, Riikka Pietiläinen Caffrey, and Tim Westerhaus
The role of the ACDA Advocacy and Collaboration Committee includes:
- opportunities to internally and externally promote the choral art.
- situations to develop collaborations with other arts organizations as beneficial to the association, its goals, and choral art nationally.
The goals for the A & C Committee are:
- Advocate for the choral art
- Through partnerships with Chorus America, Opera America, NAfME, Americans for the Arts, and other arts organizations, identify and disseminate opportunities to assist with local, state, and national advocacy.
- Advocate for youth and individual singers.
- Support the work of partner committees within ACDA in areas that serve to advocate for singers and choral professionals.
- Disseminate information and projects of ACDA to ACDA membership
- Create action items that can be shared with the national choral community.
- Support and identify efforts to collaborate with arts organizations and ACDA members
- Collaborations may include advocacy work, artistic collaborations, and collaboration across the choral community.
Choral Repertoire and Resources
Gretchen Harrison, Chair
Youth Choirs Coordinator: Damion Womack
- Children’s and Community Youth Chair: Joy Hirokawa
- Junior High/Middle School Choirs Chair: Clinton Hardy
- Senior High School Choirs Chair: Philip Brown
Collegiate Choirs Coordinator: Jenny Bent
- 4-year College & University Choirs Co-Chair: Caron Daley
- 2-year College Choirs Co-Chair: Brandon Elliott
- Student Activities Co-Chair (Programming): Elizabeth Swanson
- Student Activities Co-Chair (Chapter Development): Ryan Beeken
Lifelong Choirs Coordinator: Jack Cleghorn
- Community Choirs Chair: Matt Hill
- Music in Worship Chair: Jennaya Robison
Repertoire Specific Coordinator: Gretchen Harrison
- Contemporary/Commercial Co-Chair (Show Choir): Kelsey Burkett
- Contemporary/Commercial Co-Chair (Contemporary A Cappella): Rob Dietz
- World Musics and Cultures Chair: Madlen Batchvarova
- Tenor-Bass Choirs Chair: Dustin Cates
- Vocal Jazz Chair: John Stafford
- Soprano-Alto Choirs Chair: Erin Plisco
Composition Initiatives
Robert Bode, Chair
Members: Brandon Boyd, Alex Canovas, Katie Houts, and Joni Jensen, John Muehleisen
National Diversity Initiatives
Arreon Harley-Emerson, Chair
Members: Verena Anders, Ahmed Anzaldúa, Noël Archambeault, Ramon Cardenas, Joshua Palkki, Mari Esabel Valverde, Kimberly Waigwa; Advisory: Melanie Stapleton
Education and Communication
John McDonald, Chair
Members: Micah Bland, Stacy Daniels, Grant Farmer, Erick Figuerars, Darlene Machacon, and Robert Sinclair
International Activities
Joshua Habermann, Chair
Members: Nicolás Dosman, Jeremy Jones, Wendy Moy, and Giselle Wyers
Research and Publications
Jessica Napoles, Chair
Members: Elisa Dekaney, Patrick Freer, and Elizabeth Parker