Call for Committee Members for the Research & Publications National Standing Committee
Deadline: April 15, 2025
The ACDA Research & Publications National Standing Committee is seeking to fill two open committee positions.
You may apply by following the steps below or you may nominate someone else. When nominating, the committee will reach out to your nominee and alert them to your nomination and request that they submit an official application.
The Research & Publications National Standing Committee works to encourage scholarship in the field of choral music at all levels (historical, quantitative, qualitative, musicological, philosophical, etc.). Some of its activities include: overseeing the International Journal of Research in Choral Singing, including voting on members of the Editorial Board; planning of the Symposium on Research in Choral Singing; encouraging submissions for the research poster session for the national conference; facilitating and recognizing research productivity through grants/funding and awards.
In addition to being committed to choral music education, successful applicants will demonstrate a sustained level of research productivity, with inquiry related to choral music. Candidates should have demonstrated experience in leadership at the local, state, region or national level of their respective districts, regions, places of worship, schools, or communities, including service on editorial boards, as research chairs, etc. The desirable candidate has a record of publications and presentations of their own original research at state, regional, and national conferences/journals.
If selected for a leadership position, you will serve a two-year term, renewable twice, for a possible total 6-year term of service. The renewal of term is extended by the Committee Chair. The first term begins on July 1st, 2025.
To nominate someone, click on the application link below. You will need to submit a name and email address for your nominee.
To apply, click on the application link below
• Submit your CV (PDF); and • Submit brief remarks (2 paragraphs or less) on why you are interested in this role.
Application collection will close on April 15th, 2025. Applicants will be notified by June 1st, 2025. The new leaders will assume their leadership responsibilities on July 1st, 2025.
For questions or more information, contact Jessica Nápoles, Chair of the National Standing Committee for Research & Publications: