We hope you enjoy the recordings and handouts from previous national webinars. When new events are scheduled, they are also posted on this page.
Professional development hours may be available for national ACDA webinars. To receive a certificate, you must be a current member, register for and attend the live Zoom event, and respond to a poll conducted at some point during the session.
Upcoming Webinars

Let veteran collaborators bring you one step closer to your next source of inspiration! Poet + Composer Mixer, led by Jake Runestad & Todd Bossveteran. Register before November 12, 2024.
Recent Webinar Recordings & Resources
How Do Composers and Poets Collaborate

In October 2024, ACDA in collaboration with POCO Labs hosted “How Do Composers and Poets Collaborate” with Composer Jake Runestad and Poet Todd Boss, moderated by ACDA Executive Director, Robyn Hilger. Watch on ACDA’s YouTube channel.
Two Free on-demand videos from 2023 National Conference – October 25, 2023

Ramping Up for the Academic Year: A College/University Check-in – Aug. 8, 2022
This was a gathering of collegiate conductors and students as they ramp up for another academic year – what are needs/hopes/dreams and how can ACDA continue to, or better support them? Also discussed: the 2023 national conference, highlights of the Student Conducting Institute, student chapter resources, and Lodestar: The ACDA Mentoring Program.
Moderator: Caron Daley, Repertoire & Resources chair for College & University Choirs. Guest speakers: Ryan Beeken, R&R Student Activities co-chair for chapter development, Jennaya Robison, R&R Student Activities co-chair for programming, and Sundra Flansburg, ACDA Director of Membership & Communication.
Forging a Career Path: Versatility and Creativity in the Choral Profession – Mar. 28, 2022
This panel highlighted a range of career perspectives, demonstrating the depth and breadth of the choral profession. Panelists spotlighted skills and attitudes that have contributed to their career fulfillment.
Moderator: Caron Daley, Repertoire & Resources chair for College & University Choirs. Panelists: KellyAnn Nelson, Associate Director of Development, Chorus America; Susan LaBarr, Composer and Choral Editor with Walton Music; Anthony Arnold, Instrumental and Choral Educator, Miller Middle School; Ahmed Anzaldúa, Director and Founder, Border CrosSing.
Challenge Accepted: Advocating for the Choral Arts – Nov. 2, 2021
This panel discussion focused on the whys and hows of advocating for choral programs. Host: Emily Williams Burch, Chair of the ACDA Advocacy & Collaborations Committee. Panelists: Marty K. Smith & Russ Sperling.
Looking Forward: Inspiration for Revitalizing Elementary Choirs – Oct. 21, 2021
This webinar focused on ideas and inspiration for elementary choirs. Host: Jamila McWhirter, Chair of the ACDA Education & Communication Committee. Panelists: Maria A. Ellis & Franklin J. Willis.
Inspiration for Revitalizing Elementary Choirs handouts:
- Franklin J. Willis – Be the Light: Cultivating a Safe Space Through Music Selection
- Maria A. Ellis – Elementary Choir: The Remix
Lifelong Singing: The Aging Voice – Sep. 23, 2021
The Aging Voice Handouts and PowerPoint:
This webinar focused on the aging singing voice in choirs. Host: Terre Johnson, ACDA National R&R Chair for Lifelong Choirs. Panelists: Karen Brunssen, Michael O’Neal, and Matt Hill.
Looking Forward: Inspiration for Revitalizing Your Middle School and High School Choirs – Jun. 8, 2021
Looking Forward Handouts:
Ideas and resources for middle school and high school choral educators. Host: Dr. Jamila McWhirter, ACDA Education and Communication Committee chair. Panelists: Gretchen Grace Harrison, Chris Munce, and Vincent Oakes.
Church Music Re-enters Worship – Apr. 26, 2021
Co-hosted by ACDA and Church Music Institute
Presenters: Charlotte Kroeker, Terre Johnson, Zeb Highben, Tim Sharp, and Bryan Black.
Church Music Re-Enters Worship handouts and resources mentioned:
- Charlotte Kroeker: Liturgy for Pentecost
- Charlotte Kroeker: A Tour of CMI Online Libraries
- Zebulon Highben: Beyond Special Music
- Tim Sharp: Choral Journal Review of his book, by Philip Copeland
- ACDA Music in Worship Repertoire Page