The University of North Texas A Cappella Choir is the premier ensemble of the UNT Choral Studies program comprised of nine choirs.The A Cappella Choir has had a distinguished history of conductors that include Wilfred Bain, Frank McKinley, Hal Gibbons, Mel Ivey, Jerry McCoy, and Allen Hightower. The A Cappella Choir frequently performs at regional, national, and international conferences. Most recent engagements include Southwest ACDA (2022), National ACDA (Livestream) 2021,TMEA (2020); National ACDA in 2013 (Dallas), 2005 (Los Angeles), and 1999 (Chicago). A Cappella Choir serves as the core of the UNT Grand Chorus, performing major choral-orchestral repertoire.
University of North Texas A Cappella Choir

University of North Texas A Cappella Choir
University of North Texas
Denton, Texas

Conductor, Allen Hightower