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Monograph No. 1
Guide for the Beginning Choral Director
by the National Committee on High School Choral Music (1972) 41 pages
The Guide for the Beginning Choral Director is prepared to provide guidance of a practical nature to the college senior. The topics discussed in the Guide were suggested by the national committee members as those particularly important to the young director.
Monograph No. 2
An Annotated Inventory of Distinctive Choral Literature
for Performance at the High School Level
by Margaret B. Hawkins (1976) 69 pages
This text, published in 1976, is designed as a useful supplement to the choral director’s own knowledge of choral repertoire. The publication is concerned primarily with literature for the mixed choir and will be useful to anyone involved with high school choirs.
Monograph No. 3
The Choral Journal: An Index to Volumes 1-18
by Gordon Paine(1978) 170 pages
The Choral Journal index is an important source of information on nearly every topic of concern to the profession. The index contains a general index with both author and subject entries. Subject headings also guide the user to desired articles. This index is the authoritative guide to article searching in issues published between 1959 and 1978.
Monograph No. 4
A Classified, Annotated Bibliography of Articles Related to Choral Music
in Five Major Periodicals through 1980
by Lynn Whitten(1982) 223 pages
This work was compiled as a source of data retrieval for choral conductors seeking to strengthen their rehearsal and performance routines in stimulating and scholarly ways. This volume contains annotation of articles from the following five major periodicals publishes through 1980: The American Choral Review, Church Music, The Journal of the American Musicological Society, Music and Letters, and The Musical Quarterly.
Monograph No. 5
Singing in English: A Manual of English Diction for Singers and Choral Directors
by Richard Cox(1988) 109 pages
Cox applies phonetic principles, including the International Phonetic Alphabet, to the performance of English-language vocal texts, with special reference to choral singing. Language sounds are grouped systematically; for each group of sounds there is discussion of singers’ problems and of acceptable regional variants, and illustrative word lists for practice in phonetic transcript.
Monograph No. 6
A Classified Index of American Doctoral Dissertations and Dissertation Projects
on Choral Music Completed or In-Progress Through 1989
by Michael Anderson(1990) 177 pages
The citations listed in this book represent projects, completed or in progress, dating between 1938 and 1989. It is a rich history of research done in the field of choral music during this period and is a valuable tool for those wanting to research the early to mid-twentieth-century foundation of choral music in the United States.
Monograph No. 7
The Choral Journal: An Index of Volumes 19-32
by Scott W. Dorsey(1993) 177 pages
This index continues the work started in The Choral Journal: An Index to Volumes 1-18. This volume contains a general and author index. Subject headings also guide the user to desired articles.
Monograph No. 8
American Singing Societies and Their Partsongs: Ten Prominent American Composers of the Genre 1860-1940
and the Seminal Singing Societies that Performed the Repertory
by William Osborne(1994) 112 pages
Monograph 8 explores several of the singing societies that figured prominently in the cultural life of late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century America. The societies frequently commissioned celebrated composers of the time to write partsongs for their society performances. It concludes with a repertoire list of 380 works from the partsong genre.
Monograph No. 9
Twentieth-Century Choral Music:
An Annotated Bibliography of Music Appropriate for College and University Choirs
by Richard J. Bloesch and Weybum Wasson(1997) 289 pages
This monograph attempts to provide a broad but not comprehensive survey of twentieth-century choral music suitable for college and university choirs. While including a large number of works, the list is nonetheless selective and suggestive rather than complete or exhaustive. The annotations cover the twentieth-century chronologically from Edward Elgar, Claude Debussy, and Richard Strauss to recently published works.
Monograph No. 10
The Syntagma Musicum of Michael Praetorius, vol. 3: An Annotated Translation
by Hans Lampl, translator; Margaret Boudreaux, editor (2001) 279 pages
References to the Syntagma Musicum III abound in books about Baroque music and even general music history yet until the publication of this monograph no complete translation had ever been attempted. In this annotated translation of Praetorius’ Syntagma Musicum III, Lampl transcribes Praetorius’ musical examples, translates terms, and provides citations and annotations when necessary. As editor, Boudreaux supplements Lampl’s original work further clarifying the Praetorius original work.
Monograph No. 11
The Foundation of Artistry: An Annotated Bibliography of Distinctive Choral Literature
for High School Mixed Choirs
by Linda Allen Anderson (2002) 251 pages
The Foundation of Artistry provides teachers with a unique compilation of compositions and arrangements to assist them in choosing appropriate, accessible repertoire for their beginning or intermediate choirs. This annotated list accommodates the needs of ensembles with a wide range of ability and expertise and addresses the concerns of the small high school choir where balanced sections may prove a challenge.
Monograph No. 12
Music Performed at American Choral Directors Association Conventions 1960-2000
by Sandefur Schmidt (2002) 422 pages
This monograph documents repertoire performed at conventions of the American Choral Directors Association, both national and divisional, between 1960 and 2000. The purposes of this documentation are to chronicle trends, describe ability levels, identify regional differences, introduce repertoire to young conductors, and expand awareness of repertoire for experienced conductors.
Monograph No. 13
A Bibliography of Twentieth-Century Hungarian Choral Music
by Karen Wachsmuth (2002) 283 pages
This bibliography is a detailed listing of representative twentieth-century Hungarian choral works from approximately 1900 to the present that is intended to be used as a practical reference tool by choral conductors and others interested in performing or becoming familiar with Hungarian choral music.
Monograph No. 14
Nineteenth-Century Choral Repertoire: An Annotated Bibliography of Music Appropriate for College and University Choirs
by Donald Trott, editor (2009) 380 pages
Available in digital format only
Monograph No. 15
Proceedings of ACDA’s National Symposium on American Choral Music:
In Search of an American Style
by William Belan, editor (2013) 200 pages
Available in digital format only
Monograph No. 16
The Boychoir: A Practical Guide for Directors, Administrators,
Board Members, Choristers, and Parents
by Randall Neal Wolfe (2013) 98 pages
Available in digital format only
Monograph No. 17
Music of the Americas: NDSU Choral Symposium
Various authors (2013) 200 pages
Available in digital format only
Monograph No. 18
The First Fifty Years: An Index of Voice-Related ACDA Convention Interest Sessions and Choral Journal Publications; Choral Textbooks; and Teacher Preparation Statistics 1959-2009
by Sharon A. Hansen (2014) 117 pages
Available in digital format only