Nashville School of the Arts
Nashville, Tennessee

Conductor, Trey Jacobs
Bio: Cantabile is a treble ensemble for students in grades 10-12 at Nashville School of the Arts, a Metro Nashville Public School, in Nashville, Tennessee. Students in Cantabile are part of the Choral, Band, Theater, Piano, and Visual Arts Conservatories. Cantabile has consistently received Superior ratings at both regional and state choral festivals. Cantabile students have earned seats in ACDA National Honor Choirs, Tennessee All State Choirs, MTVA Mid-State Honor Choirs, and MNPS Honor Choirs. In 2021, Cantabile was selected to perform at the ACDA Southern Region Conference in Raleigh, NC, and the TNMEA Conference in Nashville, TN.
Ensemble Statement: The Nashville School of the Arts presently has 571 students enrolled in grades 9 through 12. The school is a public school in the Metro Nashville Public Schools, but is also a magnet school. Students audition to be part of one of the nine conservatories. The students at Nashville School of the Arts come from the entire Davidson County and from public middle schools, private middle schools, charter schools, and home schools. The demographics for Nashville School of the Arts are: Asian - 2.45%, Black or African American - 40.11%, Hispanic/Latin - 9.11%, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - 0.18%, White - 48.16%. 16.64% are considered economically disadvantaged. 10 different languages are spoken by the student population. The demographics in Cantabile are: Asian - 2%, Black or African American - 47%, Hispanic/Latin - 7%, White - 45%. 42% of the students in Cantabile identify as LGBTQ. Cantabile has been in existence for 5 years. Over the past 5 years, this ensemble has excelled and scored the highest rating in the state at the State Choral Assessment for 2 consecutive years. Cantabile was selected to perform at the Southern Region ACDA Conference as well as at the Tennessee Music Educators Conference in 2022. The mission of Cantabile is to enhance artistic expectations of treble choral singing. Students will engage in artistic collaboration with all treble singers who share a passion for expressive singing. Students in Cantabile will connect with the powerful treble choral music of the past and innovative treble choral music of the present, expressing a full range of experiences and stories. Students in Cantabile are committed to excellence, but also are open and affirming to all singers.