Concert Chorale
Concert Chorale
Texas Christian University
Fort Worth, Texas

Conductor, Christopher Aspaas
Bio: The TCU Concert Chorale, the University’s flagship choral ensemble, is committed to the exploration and performance of the finest repertoire from the 16th-century to today from the traditional canon of repertoire as well works from traditionally marginalized composers and arrangers. One of five choral ensembles in the School of Music, the Chorale is a highly-select, auditioned group of forty singers including music majors as well as students from other academic disciplines. All members of the Chorale recognize the important role of the arts in their personal and professional development and seek to create transformative experiences beyond the concert stage.
Ensemble Statement: The TCU Concert Chorale is open by audition to all members of the TCU student body regardless of major. The Chorale frequently collaborates with the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra, the TCU Symphony, and numerous high school choral ensembles from Dallas/Ft. Worth. The Chorale will host its first Invitational (fall 2022) bringing a diverse group of high school ensembles to campus for collaborative learning and performance. Since the arrival of the ensemble’s current conductor, Christopher Aspaas, the Concert Chorale has sought to expand its repertoire beyond the traditional canon of Western choral music and collaborate with numerous culture-bearers, including hosting Dr. André Thomas for a residency that included performances of his works as well as the premiere performance of the chamber version of his Mass: A Celebration of Love and Joy. In fall 2021, the Chorale hosted Haitian-born composer Sydney Guillaume in preparation for a performance that included his Dominus Vobiscum. Since the Fall semester of 2018, 43% of the repertoire prepared and performed was created by traditionally marginalized composers and arrangers. Most recently, the Chorale collaborated with the Duncanville High School A Cappella, led by Jesse Cannon II and De’Evin Johnson, and jointly performed Stephen Murphy’s O Perfect Love, under Mr. Cannon’s direction. The Mission of the Vocal Arts at TCU is: To educate and empower students of the Vocal Arts to perform at the highest level in their art and in their lives. Our Values: Collaboration; Professional and personal integrity; and, Diversity of thought, skill, and musical expression. We desire to enrich the TCU community and beyond. The Chorale seeks to represent the finest in choral performance and model collaboration in ways that expand our minds and hearts and make us better humans. We are learners and leaders. Great Music with Great People.