Mt. San Antonio College Chamber Singers
Mt. San Antonio College Chamber Singers
Mt. San Antonio College
Walnut, California

Conductor, Bruce Rogers
Bio: During the past twenty-eight years, the Mt. San Antonio College Chamber Singers have won numerous awards and received special performance invitations, including; thirteen ACDA National and Regional Conventions; six European tours, headline performances at the” Canadian Rocky Mountain Music Festival” in Banff and the "Australian National Choral Association Convention" in Port Macquarie; they won two platinum medals at the "Xinghai Prize International Choir Championships" in Guangzhou, China; won three Gold Medals at the “World Choir Games” in Tshwane, South Africa, won “Choir of the World” at the “International Musical Eisteddfod” in Wales, along with performing numerous tours throughout the United States.
Ensemble Statement: The Mt. San Antonio College Chamber Singers has had a continued tradition of excellence for over 25 years, performing at state, regional and national conferences, as well as concert tours throughout the world. The choir membership is extremely diverse and they come from a variety of socioeconomic situations. 45% of our current singers identify as white and 55% are a variety of ethnicities. Our choir is known for our extremely diverse and multi-cultural repertoire, and the goal of our ensemble has always been to share our choral music with our audiences through inspiring and artistic presentations. We have traveled the world, performing and competing in more than fifteen countries, and have experienced firsthand the musical diversity of these countries. We have shared our music in exquisite concert halls, as well as in the streets, and we have had the opportunity to hear inspirational choirs from all around the globe. These choral experiences have profoundly changed our lives forever and have encouraged us to share these experiences, through our music, with our audiences in the United States. The pandemic has been quite a challenge for everyone. But through it all, this choir held together with the faith that once this pandemic ended, we would come back together stronger and more inspired to reach out to our live audiences, and that is exactly what has happened. We produced numerous virtual videos and audio recordings throughout 2020-2021 that contained themes of love, hope, inclusion and peace. We are proud of these recordings and are happy to have had the chance to share them with our online audiences, but we are definitely thrilled to be back performing in front of live audiences. This past year we presented numerous concerts that dealt with social justice issues, refugees, LGBTQ rights and putting a stop to all violence and war.