The Rose Singers
The Rose Singers
Coral Reef High School
Miami , Florida

Conductor, Shanpatrick Davis
Bio: “The Rose Singers” named in memory of the first director John Rose, has excelled in the choral world by consistently gaining superior ratings on the District and State levels since 1997. They were selected to Southern ACDA 2003, 2020, and 2022, as well as featured concerts in the Miami area including the Miami Heat Christmas Show. The Rose Singers performs various styles of music ranging from Classical, Contemporary, and African American spirituals in addition to performing full productions of operas, musical, and large classical works. The choirs’ goal is to inspire their audience by providing a performance that is uplifting and memorable.
Ensemble Statement: Being in the heart of Miami, The Rose Singers makeup is a direct reflection of our community and the heritage of our members. Our choir is composed of Black, Hispanic, Asian, Middle Eastern and White musicians, and our choral program provides a positive environment for students to be themselves while having, and harvesting, the ability to learn from each other. Our program not only enforces skills that will help them become proficient musicians, but strong leaders, and well rounded individuals overall. Chorus can provide life changing experiences for its members. It is always my goal to choose repertoire the choral members can relate to socially, culturally, and spiritually. One line, or one phrase, has the potential to create an emotional connection one can never forget. We often challenge ourselves for those moments. The Cuda Chorus is highly involved in the community, whether it be on campus, at the local hospital, senior citizen centers, or neighborhood events, our choir strives on giving back to the beautiful community that has helped shape us into the devoted choir we are today.