Timber Creek HS Chamber
Timber Creek HS Chamber
Timber Creek High School
Fort Worth, Texas

Conductor, Adrian Kirtley
Bio: The Timber Creek High School Chamber is a 4-year old choir within the choir department made up of students that pass a 3-fold audition process to an elite group of 24-30 singers. Chamber is comprised of 8 students per grade 11-12, and 4 freshman. The have competed in and been the honor choir for the Madrigal Chamber Festival for 4 consecutive years, awarded the National Commended Winners from the Mark of Excellence, and won the Medal of Distinction award. They are frequently featured on "The Choral Stream," and have created a brand online and in the DFW area.
Ensemble Statement: Timber Creek is 12 years young and the newest/northernmost high school in Keller ISD. Timber Creek HS rests in the center of what is known popularly as the "Show Choir District," of Texas, since so many strong show choirs have had their beginnings in the Keller area. Timber Creek and Keller ISD schools are trying to show Texas that although we love our show choirs, we also have our hearts deeply invested in the fine traditional choral experience as well! Timber Creek's Chamber members each passed 3 rounds of auditions for their spot. Nine of them made the all-state choir in 2020, over half of them are in show choir as well, and it contains singers from every grade 9th through 12th. Timber Creek HS Choir represents students from all walks of life, ethnicities, religious backgrounds, and a broad spectrum of culture. Once we put the purple scarfs on though, we are one voice. One that sings to the deepest corner of the soul, and that spends every day working towards goals that seem unreachable until the they've already been reached. The love of choral music and community of passion never ceases to charge forward in our quaint corner of the world.