Young People’s Chorus of New York City
Young People’s Chorus of New York City
Young People's Chorus of New York City
New York City, New York

Conductor, Elizabeth Nunez
Bio: Young People’s Chorus of New York City (YPC) is a multicultural youth chorus internationally renowned for its superb virtuosity, brilliant showmanship, and innovative model of diversity. Founded by Artistic Director Francisco J. Núñez, a MacArthur Fellow, YPC’s spectacular artistry has been showcased in award-winning performances around the world. Each year YPC serves over 2,000 children throughout New York City in its core after-school performance program, community choruses program and its in-school program, which brings YPC’s curriculum to children in 20 public schools. YPC has been recognized with a National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award.
Ensemble Statement: For over 30 years, Young People’s Chorus of New York City (YPC) has been a recognized leader in the field for its dual commitment to diversity and artistic excellence. Francisco Núñez created YPC based on diversity, using music as the unifying force to engage and teach its choristers who come from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds and learn to bridge cultural differences while fostering an environment of empathy and understanding. Each year YPC serves over 2,000 young people across New York City with over 80% of choristers receiving full or partial scholarship. Membership reflects the vast diversity of our city. YPC provides transportation support to choristers in need and no chorister is left behind because of their ability to pay. Annually, 30 juniors and seniors receive free private voice instruction by our award-winning voice faculty. Each year over 100 choristers have the opportunity to tour with YPC giving performances across the US and abroad. YPC provides its choristers SAT and ACT prep classes, college application seminars, financial aid workshops and subject tutoring as needed with100% of YPC graduates continuing to college. YPC has awarded over $1 million in college scholarships to its graduates, many of whom are the first in their family to attend college. YPC performs in festivals, competitions and choral summits around the world. These international experiences provide YPC choristers with opportunities to travel outside of the U.S., teaching them to be conscientious global citizens. While YPC’s multifaceted programming continues to expand in new directions, its mission stays true: that providing inclusiveness and demanding excellence of its children – both on and off stage – encourages young people to open their minds to each other, and to all of life’s possibilities.