ACDA has embarked on a national campaign to help our organization bridge the gap between pre-pandemic and post-pandemic times. ONE ACDA is our effort to honor the impact that ACDA makes at every level of its existence: state, region, and national. We are one cadre of choral musicians who love our art form, recognize the struggles we have all experienced in the last 15 months or so, and are eager to thrive in the future.
Donor Recognition
We recognize the following individuals who have given generously to this fund.
$25,000 and above
Joan and Frank Conlon
Jerry & Jean Jordan
Hilary Apfelstadt
Sara Lynn Baird
Marjorie Camp
Edith Copley
Emily Crocker
Galen Darrough
Brian Galante
Leslie Guelker-Cone
Noteable Mask
Zareen Taj Mirza
Harriet Simons
David Stutzenberger
Philip Brunelle
Emily Crocker
Doreen & David Fryling
Lynne Gackle
Mitzi Groom
John Haberlen
Maurice Lough
Richard McKinney
Michael Murphy
Elizabeth VanGelder
Jean Bartle
Rowland Blackley
Kerry Burtis
Jenny Chiang
Jeffrey Cornelius
Galen Darrough
Mike Dawson (Music Filing)
Peggy Dettwiler
Kris Eidem
Karen Ek
Randi von Ellefson
Karen Fulmer
Mary Kay Geston
David Giessow
Deborah Hansen
David Hensley
Mary Hopper
Meg Ideker
Buddy James
Laurie Lewis-Fritz
Nancy Menk
Daniel Monek
John Morgan
Allan Petker (Pavane Publishing)
Michael Porter
Milburn Price
Amanda Quist
Travis Rogers
Rebecca Rottsolk
H. Royce Saltzman
André Thomas
Jennifer Tibben
Kent Tritle
Anne Watson Born
William Weinert
Timothy Westerhaus
Noel White
Gary Wilhelm
$199 and under
Sally Albrecht
Gail Allen
Patricia Moffett Austin
Aimee Beckmann-Collier
Stephen Bolster
Sara Boos
Marguerite Brooks
Stephen Bruce
Twyla Brunson
Hilary Butler
Dan Canalos (Soundwaves Recording)
Simon Carrington
Lorraine Cetto
Darrell Crowther
Kevin Dewey
Kristen Donaldson
David Edmonds
Alice Eelman
Karle Erickson
Catherine Feazell
Sue Fink
Paul Gibson
Sharon Gratto
Steven Grives
Barbara Hall
Barbara Hameister
Anna Hamre
William Hatcher
Fred Hatfield (Colla Voce Music)
Greg Hobbs
J. Edmund Hughes
Terre Johnson
Susan Kelly
Donna Kinsey
Diana Leland
Tamara Page Lewis
Sharon Llewellyn
Constance Lyda
Anne Matlack
Marguerite McCormick
Neiman McDuff
Howard Meharg
Max Mendez
Cheryl Meyer
Christine Miller
Ruth Mohney
Ingrid Mueller
James Mulholland
Leonard Napper, Jr.
Vincent Oakes
Clayton Parr
Betty-Neill Parsons
Tom Pedas
Elizabeth Pesce
Dale Peterson
Bill Podolski
Darius Polikaitis
Gary Rambo
Richard Reed
Eric Richardson
John Rommereim
Anne Saxon
Dennis Schafer
David Shaler
Elena Sharkova
Stephen Sheftz
Tim Sinclair
Donald Skirvin
Magen Solomon
Sandra Starr
David Stein
Carrie Tennant
Gary Toops
David Topping
Hildred Tornberg
Janet Tyler
Bonny Tynch
Kimberly Utke Svanoe
Burt Vasche
Chris Vineis
Robert Ward
Ramona Wis
Matthew Workman (National Concerts)
Janet Yamron
Eva Mae Youngberg
William Zurkey