The submission period for 2025 is closed.
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The Outstanding Student Chapter Award was established by the American Choral Directors Association in 1978 as a means for recognizing an ACDA student chapter which, through its activities, best supports the advancement of choral music.
The award consists of a $250 cash award to the student chapter and two complimentary national conference registrations for designated representatives of the chapter to attend the national conference and receive the award for the chapter, and a plaque for the chapter to display on their campus.
You will want to collect the following information prior to starting your application:
- Upload a list your chapter’s pertinent activities for the past two academic years. Activities listed here should reflect an impact on the professional development of the student members and/or an impact on the local/state/regional/national music community. Please use a PDF file type.
- Upload supporting documentation of your chapter’s activities. You may wish to include programs, newsletters, articles, etc. A maximum of 5 file uploads is available. Feel free to combine files to maximize your submission. Please use PDF file type.
- Upload a letter of support here from the administrative chair or chapter advisor. Use PDF file type.
- The number of chapter members and the total number of music majors within your department or school of music.
- OPTIONAL: A second letter of support from someone other than the advisor or chapter members. Use PDF file type.
The selection will be made by a committee consisting of the National R&R Collegiate Choirs Coordinator, College and University Choirs Chair, 2-year Collegiate Choirs Chair and the Student Activities Chairs using the following criteria (not necessarily in order of importance):
- Level of impact on the professional development of its chapter members.
- Level of impact on the local/state/regional choral community in which the chapter resides.
- Innovative and engaging offerings presented by the chapter.
For questions, please email Dr. Ryan Beeken at .
Previous Winners
State University of New York at Potsdam; Crane School of Music
Jeffrey Francom and Nils Klykken, advisors
University of Southern California chapter, Cristian Grases, advisor
ChoralNet announcement
Honorable mentions awarded to the Ithaca College and Indiana University chapters.
Ithaca College chapter, Janet Galvan, advisor
ChoralNet announcement
Northern Arizona University chapter, Ryan Holder, advisor
ChoralNet announcement
Ithaca College chapter, Janet Galvan, advisor