This session will take a brief look at the historical development of Black Gospel Music in America and its connection to the Negro spiritual. Consideration will be given to the stylistic and theological treatment of gospel songs over more than a century. The lecture/demonstration will highlight significant changes over this time period that affect its […]
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Before the Downbeat: Marking the Music Before Making Music
A thoughtful interpretation of music begins with a thoughtful study and effective marking of music. This session is a step-by-step approach to prepare a score for performance. Participants will be given a sample score and guided in the process of large, overall analysis moving to smaller sections and phrases.
A Place in the Choir, A Choir in the Place
What is the significance of church choirs in the cultural landscape of the community? What is the importance of good repertoire for their function as an aesthetic influence in the community? These and many other questions will be considered in this session for church musicians and conductors of groups using music with sacred texts from […]
ACDA International Conductors Exchange Program Visiting International Conductor from China
“What Language Shall I Borrow…” Singing in Translation
Some conductors consider the performance of music in translation a form of blasphemy; others approach such performance with modest consent or out of sheer resignation. This session will demonstrate that the performance of choral music in translation need not be merely satisfactory; it should and can be satisfying. Several different English versions of Bach’s St. […]