This session presents an overview of “Excellence in Choral Music: A History of the American Choral Directors Association,” commissioned in 2015 by ACDA’s Research and Publications Committee. It offers a brief chronology of the evolution of ACDA’s structure, leadership, and national and international initiatives, sourced through the written re- ports of previous ACDA historians, and […]
Sample Page
Building Blocks of Pop A Cappella
Due to the popularity of “Pitch Perfect” and Pentatonix, pop a cappella has become a rising trend among middle school, high school, and collegiate choral programs. These ensembles off er many of the same challenges presented in traditional choral music, while making the art more attractive to hesitant budding musicians. The audition process, arrangements, festivals, […]
April 2019
Download the complete issue. (6 MB) electronic Choral Journal **Download individual articles by clicking on the titles below.** FEATURES Choral Village: An Immersive Experience to Build Cultural Sensitivity and Empathyby Joy Hirokawa A Rubric for Choral Relevance by Jennifer Rodgers Earthtones Vocal Ensemble: Exploring Cultures through Songby Mary Ellen Junda Hope: Refocusing the Legacy of […]
Writing for an ACDA Publication
This interactive clinic is designed to help potential authors on the path to publication. Amanda Bumgarner, ACDA publications editor, will lead the session. Members of the Choral Journal editorial board will be in attendance, along with the editor of the International Journal for Research in Choral Singing, ACDA’s scientific research journal. Participants are invited to […]
Unlocking the Mystery of Middle School Men
The session will explore techniques for recruiting young men, assessing voice classifications, and building esprit de corps in the ensemble. The session will also offer ideas on effective management of the many unique nuances of the all-male middle school ensemble. It will equip teachers to design a daily rehearsal regimen that addresses the sequential development […]
Reposition Your Singers: Refine Your Sound
A live demonstration will show how strategic placement of singers benefits all types of ensembles, improving accuracy, balance, blend, and intonation. With the demonstration choir, Charlene Archibeque shares how to devise effective positioning. Factors influencing choices include repertoire, performance venue, and particular strengths and weaknesses of ensembles. “Before and After” segments show thirty different standing […]