The spirituals and gospel music of black composers are familiar to most choral conductors as evidenced by concert programs across the country. However, non-idiomatic choral music is lacking in the repertoire of many choirs. This session will include the music of familiar and lesser-known black composers. Major contributions include anthems, motets, part songs, cantatas, oratorios,and […]
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Bel Canto Methods in a Choral Setting
The term Bel-canto is oft applied and perhaps often misunderstood in both solo vocal and choral music circles. This session will examine the term “bel-canto,” explore methods and philosophies that are associated with the term, and demonstrate how they can be used within a choral set-ting. What the bel-canto writers actually say about vocal issues […]
An Introduction to ACDA’s Service-Learning Initiative
At the national level, ACDA is actively developing outreach initiatives to deepen our connections with diverse communities and better equip the next generation of choral directors to serve in settings that may be outside their previous experience. ChorTransform is a service-learning initiative that was piloted at the University of South Carolina, beginning in the fall […]
Access Strategies for Creating an Inclusive Choral Ensemble
This session will present developmental strategies that support access for all people who want to join a choir. Foundational to this goal is the assumption that adding singers who need help transitioning into a choir will in no way diminish the performance success of the group. After examining three populations, session participants will learn creative […]
The ABC’s of Pop A Cappella
Due to the popularity of Pitch Perfect, The Sing-Off , and Pentatonix, Pop A Cappella has become a rising trend. These ensembles offer many of the same challenges presented in traditional choral music while making the choral art more attractive to hesitant budding musicians. This session will offer information to choral directors who desire to […]
When Your Choir is too Tired to Phonate and You Need to Rehearse….!
If your choir is “sung out,” either too exhausted or vocally impaired to sing well, this session will provide exercises and demonstrations that will release laryngeal tension, relax the vocal folds, improve breath flow, assist phonation, give singers a new way to experience resonance on their own—using inexpensive materials—and help rebuild healthy vocal habits. Everything […]