J.A.C. Redford is a television and film composer who has composed music for over three dozen film and hundreds of television episodes including seasons of St. Elsewhere and Coach. He has orchestrated movie scores, working closely with James Horner and others, and orchestrated the last two Bond films. He has arranged for Grammy Award artists […]
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Writing for an ACDA Publication
This interactive clinic is designed to help potential authors on the path to publication. Amanda Bumgarner, ACDA publications editor, will lead the session, and members of the Choral Journal editorial board will be in attendance, along with a representative from other ACDA publications, including ChoralNet, where there are opportunities for weekly bloggers. Participants are invited […]
What Happens in Choir… Fostering Adolescent Development through Singing
What is the role of singing within adolescent development and what choral practices support and impede adolescents’ progress? How do young people express their self-growth through repertoire choice, performance experiences, and program goals? Finally, what do adolescents assert is important toward their continuing participation? This session will focus on the adolescent perspectives investigated within choral […]
A Voice of Reason: Social Justice, the Greater Good, and Why We Sing
Much of our instructional energy focuses on the tangible elements of our craft—the development of a healthy vocalism, literacy, style, mu-sic history, etc. While these concepts are critical to the success of our ensembles, the ineffable draws us in and leaves us changed. The Greek Chorus points to an inextricable link between collective voice and […]
Variations on a Tech Theme: Tune it Up with Tech!
This interactive session is designed to transform the musically mundane to the musically miraculous through the use of technology integration. It will demonstrate the use of free online resources designed to captivate students’ attention and rejuvenate the educational aspect of rehearsal. Many of these tools allow teachers to quickly and easily assess large classes and […]
A Twenty-First-Century Approach to Recruiting Boys in Middle and High School
Recruiting males in the choral program may be especially challenging during the adolescent years. In previous generations, some choral directors may have emphasized stereotypical masculine behaviors as a recruitment tool. While focusing on stereotypical masculine attributes to attract males may appeal to some, it may also exclude others who do not identify with this image. […]