Download the complete issue. (16 MB)eCJ (Digital Choral Journal) ARTICLES Cuban Choral Music: Historical Development and Modern Influencesby Jose Rivera Venezuelan Choral Composers of the 20th and 21st Centuries: A Catalogueby Maria Guinand Canada’s Choral Music Development by Hilary Apfelstadt Mexican Choral Composers: A Brief History by Jorge Cozatl COLUMNS Repertoire & StandardsThe Formula for […]
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Teach Phrasing First: Practical Considerations for Teaching Artistry at the Beginning of the Rehearsal Process
Choirs learn, internalize, and repeat in performance what they do most often in rehearsal. Good choral pedagogy includes the separation and integration of the technical aspects of the music and the articulation of the music’s artistic and expressive content. If, however, music learning is completely separated from musical expression and artistry, or artistic concerns are […]
SSA Relevance in an “SATB World”
This session will briefly discuss the history of women’s choral singing before delving into ways in which we can encourage a heightened level of significance and relevance of women’s choir in our schools and communities.
Singing America’s Early Music: The Yankee Tunesmiths
This session is a lecture-recital with the small ensemble Jargon singing the music and telling the history and musical practices of the Yankee tunesmiths who were America’s first homegrown composers or makers of tunes. For those interested in the musical genre of the tunesmiths, the early of syllables used for teaching, and the potential use […]
Scanning Choral Music into Finale®
Is the sheet music you want to perform too high for your singers or written for a different choral configuration than your performing group? This in-depth session delves into the intricacies, roadblocks, and tips for the successful scanning of sheet music into notation programs in general and Finale in particular.
Reaching Their Potential: Repertoire for the Church’s Children and Youth
This session provides directors of church music programs with new and tried-and-true repertoire selections to bolster the success of their children’s and youth choirs. Attention is given to accessible pieces that require minimal rehearsal time but offer substantial musicality and spiritual depth.