This session will focus on ways the conductor can build and instill personal responsibility for music making within the ensemble both in performance and rehearsal. Focus will be on three key components: 1. The development and expectations of the conductor, 2. The development and expectations of individual members of the ensemble, and 3. Ensemble-building skills […]
Sample Page
What, Why, and How? Working with the Male Voices in Your Choir
Jefferson Johnson presents techniques and methods for working with male singers. This session focuses on aspects of tone, intonation, and balance. First we determine what is the problem, then why is it occurring, and finally how do we fix it!
What Does Sex Have to Do with It? Biological and Sociological Sex Differences in the Choral Classroom
We all realize that boys and girls are different, but do we understand the true nature of those differences and what we can do to teach effectively to those differences? This session will expose the importance of sex and gender differences between boys and girls that can potentially aide the success of directors and students […]
Vocal Jazz vs. Unaccompanied: Vocal Style and Technique
This session will present basic sound reinforcement information relative to basic setup, mics, gain/volume, eq/ringing the system, mic technique, etc. The session will also discuss issues relative to popular styles such as tone quality, fundamental vocal technique, light vs.dark/rich, straight vs. vibrato, edgy vs. full, to scoop or not to scoop… that is the question, […]
Tradition of Anarchy: How to Effectively be Anti-“Show Choir”!
Look behind the show development process of Albertville High School’s award-winning show choir—Center-Stage! From story concept to technical production, learn how to: select and incorporate music from any genre, use simple Broadway staging techniques to improve the look of your choreography, keep including musical and visual surprises to make your audience not want to look […]
Spirit, Style, and Score— Preferred Choices and Practices in Singing the “Traditional Spiritual”
Choral settings of the African American spiritual were first sung by the fabled Fisk Jubilee Singers after slavery. Composers like Dett, Dawson, Hall Johnson, and Work, and more recently, Hogan, built on these beginnings, making impressively artful settings of these songs. We are faced with the question, “How shall we sing this music?” This session […]