Kinesthetic connections activate the spirit, mind, and body, enhancing both technical and expressive pathways. This session will present movement principles partnered with art music in the context of traditional choral performance. The models explored in this session seek to augment the meaning and potency of the repertoire performed. Topics include the connection of body and […]
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Musical Malpractice: Dumb Things We Do and How to Avoid Repeating Our Failures
Failure is a part of life and part of being a choir director. Failure can either be instructive or destructive—and many good things we accomplish have come from making mistakes, learning from them, and ensuring they never happened again. This session deals with the actions we take that undermine our ability to be effective, musical, […]
Music as a Powerful Force for Healing
Participants will explore the subtle aspects of live music that may bring comfort and a sense of well-being to the musicians and those who hear their music. The clinician will share how her own life experiences as a choral conductor led her to become a certified music practitioner for hospice and hospital patients. Topics include […]
Laban Movement Theory: Body and Shape Concepts for the Choral Rehearsal
Laban Movement Theory (LMT) is a process for labeling and recalling human movement in four component are as: body, effort, shape, and space. This workshop will use a choir to demonstrate a series of effective and creative physical and vocal exercises for an inspirational rehearsal followed by a brief application of LMT to the choral […]
If it’s Baroque, Fix it!
There is much conversation about period performance practice these days. What is correct? What isn’t? What is too much? Is there really a need for this discussion?The answer to the last question is are sounding, “Yes!” Through the mastery of a few fundamental performance concepts, we can reinvigorate period music in a manner that keeps […]
Exploring Bach’s Choir: Connecting Vocal Pedagogy, Leadership, and Performance Practice
A voice instructor and conductor-keyboardist present a collaborative performance of J.S. Bach’s cantata Christ lag in Todesbanden. With students from two universities, they explore an alternative model of performing Bach’s cantatas with soloists inspired by musicologists such as Joshua Rifkin and Andrew Parrott. Christ lag in Todesbanden is an exemplary cantata for exploring alternative possibilities […]