This study explored how American high school choral directors and singers conceptualized and practiced musical expression. Data were generated through rehearsal observations, video-stimulated recall interviews (SRI), and semi-structured interviews with conductors and student focus groups.
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January 2001
Download the complete issue. Articles Convention Overview and Expanded Schedules Major Works Concert Robert Shaw Tribute Professional Choirs International Choirs National Honors Choir and Texas All-State Choir Auditioned Choirs Interest Sessions Breakfast Roundtables Student Conducting Competitions
December 2000
Download the complete issue Articles A guide to a Historically Accurate Performance of Edvard Grieg’s Fire Salmer (Four Psalms), op. 74 by Mary Buch Selected Examples of Choreinbau in the Cantatas of J.S. Bach by Pat Flannagan An Interview with Robert Porco by Jonathan Talberg 1999-2000 All State Choirs: Choral Literature and Conductors by Rebecca R. Reames […]
Self-Efficacy and Achievement among Secondary School Vocalists: An Exploratory Study
The purpose of this study was to investigate music performance self-efficacy and achievement among secondary school choral music students. I specifically examined the relationships between the four sources of self-efficacy (enactive mastery experience, vicarious experience, verbal/social persuasion, and physiological and affective state) and the composite construct, as well as years of private lessons and practice […]
“Sing, sit, and leave”: Engagement and Disillusionment in a High School Chorus
This study provides insight into why students leave voluntary school choral experiences, through an analysis of interviews with four high school students at a single New York City high school who left, or were considering leaving, their high school choral program. This study provides a voice often unheard in the research literature, since many research […]
November 2000
Download the complete issue Articles Recitatives and Arias in Bach’s Leipzig Church Cantatas by Stephen A. Crist J.S. Bach and the Concerto: Ritornello Structure as a Guide to Rehearsalby Chester L. Alwes Bach’s Use of the Chiasm in the St. John Passion by Brian Hamer Epilogue: J.S. Bach’s Final Journey to St. Thomas by Robert […]