Download the complete issue. (11 MB)eCJ (digital Choral Journal) **Download individual articles by clicking on the titles below.** FEATURES Coordinating Vocal Colors in Women’s Choruses by Philip E. Silvey Literacy in the Choral Classroom: A Pedagogical Analysis Celebrating Contemporary Choral Compositions by Donna A. Menhart ARTICLES Student Times A Guide to Improving Student-Led Section Rehearsalsby […]
Sample Page
August 2016
Download the complete issue. (12 MB)eCJ (digital Choral Journal) **Download individual articles by clicking on the titles below.** American Cantat 8 Schedule FEATURES The Islands of The Bahamas: Home of America Cantat 8by Shena Newton Choral Symphonic Music from Latin Americaby Cristian Grases Social Integration and Choral Music by Maria Guinand ARTICLESBZZZ…Crash! A Pedagogical Approach […]
Insights into Arabic Vocal Music
Choir has been adopted as a medium for dissemination and preservation in the Arab world since the formation in Egypt of Firqatal-Musiqa al-Arabiyyah (The Arab Music Ensemble) in 1967. The notion that Arab music does not employ choir or that it only works with a solo vocalist is but one of the many misconceptions about […]
Building Your Vital Force— The Use of T’ai Chi Chih and Movement Techniques in Successful Conducting
A workshop utilizing T’ai Chi Chih movements will be used to find the “Vital Force” (Tan-Tien) within, featuring the centering, balance, and core-strengthening techniques needed to become a strong conductor or solo artist. There are nineteen movements involved in T’ai Chi Chih, and approximately ten will be explored over the course of three morning sessions. […]
June-July 2016
Download the complete issue. (10 MB)eCJ (digital Choral Journal) **Download individual articles by clicking on the titles below.** FEATURES The Church Choral Director: Leader of the Sacred, the Good, the Beautifulby Charlotte Kroeker Soul Searching: Is it Time to Rethink the “Conventional” Model of Youth Choir?by Eric L. Mathis Pursuing Authenticity in Choral Music for […]
May 2016
Download the complete issue. (12 MB)eCJ (digital Choral Journal) **Download individual articles by clicking on the titles below.** FEATURES “What Language Shall I borrow?”: Singing in Translation by Daniel A. Mahraun Glimpses of Handel in the Choral-Orchestral Psalms of Mendelssohnby Zachary D. Durlam Javier Busto: Bi-Vocational Journeyman, Medical Doctor, and Self-Taught Musician by John Ratledge […]