Choral musicians claim its immense power to transform individual lives, but the impact of choral music on the lives of the dispossessed has generally been unexplored. It is this population and the power of transformation for people in prisons, in conflict situations, and in poverty that will be explored in this presentation. André de Quadros […]
Sample Page
The Choral Director as the Voice Teacher: Pushing the Boundaries of Your Rehearsal
Having students in your ensembles participate in voice lessons can be invaluable, but the reality is that access to these lessons is not always available or affordable. This participatory session will introduce vocal techniques, literature ideas, and rehearsal tips that will strengthen your singers’ musicality and promote healthy vocalism throughout your rehearsals. This session is […]
Chinese Choral Repertoire and Pronunciation
This workshop is designed to introduce outstanding Chinese choral pieces to conductors who are interested in enhancing their ability to program a variety of multicultural choral repertoire. As a native Chinese speaker, the presenter will also introduce the proper pronunciation of Chinese phonetics and their application in Chinese choral music. Due to the fact that […]
Boots ‘n’ Cats: Vocal A Cappella and Your Choral Program
Vocal a cappella can open many doors for your choral singers while focusing on healthy tone production, intonation, and singing technique. It is bringing many new singers into choral music or helping them re discover choral music in a new way. It can provide opportunities to expand upon and push the boundaries within your choral […]
All Roads Lead to Repertoire: Creating a Successful Program Through Appropriate Literature Selection
This session will focus on how the selection of literature is the crux of the choral program and the basis for all other decisions that are made throughout the academic year. This session will demonstrate the relationship between literature selection and vocal technique, music literacy, and creative opportunities for students. When developing the instrument of […]
February 2016
Download the complete issue. (27 MB)eCJ (digital Choral Journal) **Download individual articles by clicking on the titles below.** FEATURES Discovering Voices: Expanding Students’ Musical and Vocal Ideals in an Urban Community Children’s Choir by Nicole Becker and Jeanne Goffi-Fynn Decoding the Secrets of the Psalms by Joshua R. Jacobson Training Choral Conductors in the Choral […]