Collaborations with arts and community organizations can increase your visibility in your region and provide opportunities for adventurous programming. This session will explore the questions you should ask at every stage of a successful collaboration. We will begin by discussing the two questions: what is your choir looking to gain from this collaboration and with […]
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Eat, Drink, and Be Merry! The Rounds of Thomas Ravenscroft
He was the musical mind behind the ubiquitous Three Blind Mice. He is Thomas Ravenscroft, an English musician active in the early fifteenth century. Ravenscroft is mostly known for his published collections of English Folk music, catches, and rounds, in three collections. This session will include modern transcriptions of rounds by Thomas Ravenscroft, clarifying the […]
Conducting Self-Renewal— Beyond Class and Workshop
Conducting music is a complex combination of musical, physical, and interpersonal skills that develop with experience and time. Though conducting is performing, there are almost no opportunities for coaching once in the field. This session will help participants explore the essentials of practical conducting “technique” in ways that will yield tools and strategies for continual, […]
Community Engagement Strategies for the Choral Ensemble
Choral organizations of all types are often searching for creative ways to engage the community. Many choruses are interested in bringing a group of people together to share in the act of singing with the goal of delivering that artistic product to the listener (consumer). However, the concept of community engagement should not be confused […]
The Choral Rehearsal: Process to Product
Successful performances are grounded in a creative yet systematic rehearsal process that builds confidence through vocal development, musical knowledge, and security in musical performance. The process should involve layers of learning centered upon the elements of music: rhythm, pitch, harmony, texture, and tone color, combined with articulation, dynamics, and cultural understanding. The workshop will focus […]
Choral Music: Healing People, Saving Lives, Making a Difference
Choral musicians claim its immense power to transform individual lives, but the impact of choral music on the lives of the dispossessed has generally been unexplored. It is this population and the power of transformation for people in prisons, in conflict situations, and in poverty that will be explored in this presentation. André de Quadros […]