There is so much more to preparing a score than just learning the notes. This session will provide insight from choral great Simon Halsey on getting inside of the score.
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Brain-Friendly Strategies for Singer-Friendly Rehearsals
This session will use the latest discoveries on how the brain functions to demonstrate what these implications are for the choral director. Such aspects as changes in placement of singers, physical movement by the singers, varying activities during the rehearsal, application to sight-reading and musicianship, encouraging singers’ own creativity and artistic expression, conductor’s pedagogical gestures […]
The Bel Canto Choral Transformation: Creating the Beautiful, Balanced, Blended Ensemble Singing You’ve Always Dreamed Of
Choral blend does not have to be bland! Using key bel canto vocal principles, this session will focus on raising the common denominator of vocal ability across an entire choir. Can your choir sing in a harmonically rich, vocally energized fashion while still blending beautifully and singing perfectly in tune? Absolutely! Discover how to remove […]
The Aging Voice in Choral and Solo Settings
As the voice ages, dramatic changes begin to occur in the vocal folds and in the neuro-muscular control of the larynx. This session will describe these physiological changes followed by a thorough discussion of what can be done with exercise: warm-up, marking, and pacing to avoid fatigue; managing voice breaks and instabilities; avoiding slow and […]
A Cappella Pop: A Complete Guide to Contemporary A Cappella Singing
This session will teach you everything you need to get started in the fastest-growing vocal genre—contemporary a cappella. Pentatonix, Pitch Perfect, and The Sing-Off have swept the nation. Use this popularity to your advantage! Topics covered include: arrangements, sound reinforcement, vocal percussion, rehearsal techniques, recording, and style considerations.
The XX-Files: Great Literature by Women Composers
The music is out there, and we’ll help you find it! This session will provide attendees with repertoire lists of outstanding music by women past and present, resource lists to help you find even more, and a reading session of a few of our favorites—and we’ll discuss why it’s so important to include works by […]