Whether novice or veteran, today’s music educator is increasingly faced with implementing accountability strategies in their classrooms. This session will introduce you to and help you familiarize yourself with a variety of assessment models that allow for individual student evaluations that benefit the entire choral program. Implementation of these methods is easy; they work well […]
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The Evolving Voice: The Senior Years
Voices change and evolve throughout a lifetime. As an ever-increasing number of amateur and professional “Singing Seniors” look to choirs as a rich and edifying activity during their senior years, choral directors will benefit from a deeper understanding about the older, evolved vocal instrument. Through a multimedia presentation, anecdotes, and common sense, we will consider […]
Developing Critical Thinking Skills with Singers
Choral directors constantly work to balance performance challenges with the delivery of academic content in school programs. By sharing rehearsal leadership responsibilities with chorus members, directors can build an ensemble of critical listeners and thinkers, choral musicians can learn to develop critical thinking skills and musical independence. This session will provide ideas to help ateendees […]
Creating Safe Space: LGBTQ Singers in the Choral Classroom
In the past five years, highly publicized suicides among LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, questioning) youth reached epic proportions. The choral classroom is well established as a harbinger of change—an environment that cultivates understanding between divergent ethnic and cultural traditions. This workshop will explore ways in which the visionary dialogue and tolerance fostered by the […]
Coordinating Vocal Colors in Women’s Choruses
As members of an equal voice ensemble, singers in women’s choruses have the potential to collectively create vibrant sonorities. While disparities between voice size and color can make a unified sound elusive, conformity to a single tonal model may produce a generic quality that sacrifices the vitality of individual voices. Varied musicianship skills, personality types, […]
Circle-Singing— Incorporating Group Improvisation in Your Own Rehearsals
Circle-Singing is a group improvisation exercise for students of any age and experience level. Incorporating the activity in your rehearsals can be a change of pace from the usual inspiring creativity among your students. Jeremy Fox facilitates the session by weaving melodies together, using hand motions to shape dynamics, and directing voice parts to enter […]