The February 2021 issue is a focus on vocal pedagogy
Sample Page
January 2021
The January 2021 issue is a preview of the ACDA National Conference (Virtual Dallas)
ChorTeach Winter 2021 (13.2)
The Winter 2021 Issue ChorTeach
–Solfège for the Performance-Oriented Classroom
–Healing Our Singers, Healing Ourselves—Social and Emotional Learning in Choir
–An Introductory Guide to Creating Virtual Choir Projects
December 2020
The December 2020 issue of Choral Journal features a focus on Black composition and arranging
November 2020
–A Pedagogy for Living: Applying Restorative, Anti-Racist Pedagogy in the Choral Classroom
–Unaccompanied Non-Idiomatic Choral Music of Black Composers
–Black in the Baroque: Racism in the Spanish Villancico de negro
ChorTeach Fall 2020 (13.1)
-Singing Polyphony Today—Why Have All the Flowers Gone?
-Critical Thinking in Rehearsals
-Reconsidering the Use of Metaphor in Choral Rehearsals
-Teaching Healthy Singing in the Choral and Applied Studio Part 1 and 2