The Virtual Choir as Collaboration by Janet Galván and Matthew Clauhs
The Biochemical Power of Choral Singing by Nicholas Sienkiewicz
Acoustical, Psychoacoustical, and Pedagogical Considerations for Choral Singing with COVID-19 Health Measures by John Nix, Harald Jers, and Sten Ternström
Sample Page
September 2020
September 2020 issue of Choral Journal
Focus Topic Articles:
ChoIr or ChorUS: What’s in a Name?
Resilient Choral Teachers
Making the Case: The Benefit of Intensive Conducting Workshops for Early-Career Choral Conductors
Are You Zoomed Out? Dealing with Zoom Fatigue in the Virtual Classroom
August 2020
The August issue of Choral Journal features on the cover:
Inside the Choral Classroom: Advice for the First-Year Teacher (Part 1) by Amanda Bumgarner
This issue also contains a section of association current events related to COVID-19
ChorTeach Summer 2020 (12.4)
-Virtual Rehearsals in the Time of the Pandemic
-Knowing the Score: Where Pedagogy and Classroom Management Meet the Unexpected
-It Starts with a Dream!
-Planning Ahead: Five Considerations for Future Choral Music Classrooms
June/July 2020
This summer issue of Choral Journal features on the cover the article: Expressions of Grief through Choral Settings of the Psalms of Lament: Recommendations for High School-Level Choirs by Patrice Madura Ward-Steinman.
IJRCS Volume 8
In this issue:
From The Editor (P. K. Freer)
Knowledge Practices: Changing Perceptions and Pedagogies in Choral Music
Education (K. Howard)
“Trying to Sing through the Tears.” Choral Music and Childhood Trauma: Results
of a Pilot Study (H. B. MacIntosh, A. Tetrault, & J. Vallée)
ABSTRACTS | 2020 Symposium on Research in Choral Singing
Music, Community, and Justice for All: Factors Influencing Participation in Gay Men’s Choruses (Dustin S. Cates)
Effects of Three Conducting Gesture Heights on Acoustic and Perceptual Measures of Choral Sound (Melissa L. Grady, Tianna M. Gilliam)