Published and public domain choral editions often give little or no information about the music other than cursory notes and limited editorial markings. Many conductors are often left to teach the music with little information to properly teach historical performance practices, languages, and make necessary editorial changes to the score. The purpose of this session […]
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Hearing the Hidden Harmonies: Pairing the Choral Art with the Visual
During the spring 2013 semester, the Beloit College chamber choirs engaged in the Hidden Harmony Project in collaboration with the two campus teaching museums: the Logan Museum of Anthropology and the Wright Museum of Art. The ensembles explored a program of choral music in which each musical selection was paired with one of nine objects […]
Enriching the Life of the Aging Choral Singer
As promoters of lifelong learning in the arts, choral directors must continue to provide exceptional music education and performance opportunities for our aging population. This session examines many aspects of contemporary research related to the aging voice. Topics covered will include posture, breath, articulation, hearing loss, and the effects of medication on the voice. The […]
Diversity within the Philosophy of an Afro-Canadian Composer
Ten years after his 1908 graduation from Oberlin, Robert Nathaniel Dett (1882–1943) wrote for an article that was authored by May Stanley titled, “R.N. Dett of Hampton Institute” for the July 1918 edition of Musical America . . . “We have this wonderful store of folk music—the melodies of an enslaved people, who poured out […]
The Choral Conductor as Mentor and Pastor
Every day brings new opportunities to mentor and to pastor. Every rehearsal brings new opportunities to build esteem and confidence in our singers. Every personal interaction brings new opportunities to feed the spirit of an individual. Weston Noble and Allen Hightower of Luther College will share inspirational thoughts regarding the role of the choral director […]
Czech Composers Past and Present: Choral Music from the Heartland of Europe to the Heartland of America
The 2014 North Central ACDA Division Conference focus is “Celebrate Choral Diversity.” When thinking about the diversity that our region of Iowa adds to the diversity of choral music in the North Central division, one must celebrate the rich choral heritage of the Czech Republic, Bohemia, and the Slavic States. European immigrants populated a large […]