The 2014 North Central ACDA Division Conference focus is “Celebrate Choral Diversity.” When thinking about the diversity that our region of Iowa adds to the diversity of choral music in the North Central division, one must celebrate the rich choral heritage of the Czech Republic, Bohemia, and the Slavic States. European immigrants populated a large […]
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Children and Youth in Worship – A New Paradigm
Other than the traditional graded choir program, are there other possibilities for the twenty-first century? The basics of making a paradigm shift in how we do music and arts in worship is most fascinating. This session will explore the possibilities for renewed interest in music and arts in worship settings for children and youth. Through […]
Brothers, Sing On! Empower, Attract, and Engage Male Singers
Recruiting men to sing in choir has long been a discussion of importance. In this session, we will discover, compare, and share successful recruiting strategies used by men’s choruses of all types, including proven methods for secondary school singers, university glee clubs, gay men’s choruses, collegiate unaccompanied ensembles, and barbershop choruses. Participants will also be […]
Bring in the World: Treat Your Students to BaaKa Yellli, Tuvan Throat Singing, and Other Diverse Choral/Vocal Traditions through Online Performances
You are teaching a new world music piece. Choose your preferred introduction. (A) Teacher describes and explains the genre. (B) A skilled culture bearer visits your classroom to perform for students. Now, more than ever, as life online changes definitions of community, our K–12 students need a solid exposure to the music and culture of […]
The Best of the Choral Music of the Americas Symposium
The Choral Music of the Americas was held on May 3–5, 2013, on the campus of North Dakota State University. Choral luminaries from throughout North, Central, and South America—including Maria Guinand, Tim Sharp, William Belan, Cristian Grases, Brainerd Blyden-Taylor, Imant Raminsh, and Hilary Apfelstadt—presented, conducted, and collaborated with other choral directors,the NDSU choirs, and regional […]
And May God Give Us Faith to Sing Always— Purpose beyond Performance
In this session we will explore our vocation as conductors, teachers, performers, and pastoral musicians. While most trade workshops deal with the how to, this one will deal with the more philosophical realm: why do…. Tom Trenney will share his personal journey from conservatory to concert hall to congregation—from performer to servant musician—inviting us all […]