The purpose of this qualitative inquiry was to understand secondary school choir program (re)building through an organizational lens. Participants were two music teachers who respectively founded or restored middle school choir programs in the last 10 years. Primary data included individual teacher interviews and group interviews with selected students. Secondary data came from field observations […]
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The Effects of Rehearsal Sequence on the Musical Expressivity of Young Voices
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the sequence in which a choir learns the elements of a song (e.g., rhythm, pitch, text, expression) influence the musical expression (e.g., articulation, dynamics) of their performance. We were also curious if learning sequence would affect expressive retention over time. Participants included four intact sixth-grade choir […]
February 2000
Download the complete issue Articles Benjamin Britten’s Poetic Alterations by Andrew Thomas Kuster Why Most A Cappella Music Could Not Have Been Sung Unaccompanied by Beverly Jerold Music for Solo Instrument and Choral Ensemble by Lanny McManus and Larry Wyatt Contemporary Choruses as Public Prayer edited by Timothy W. Sharp Vocal Aging and Its Medical […]
Effects of Vibrato and Pitch-Varied Vocal Models on Acoustic Measures of High School and Undergraduate Singers’ Vocal Performance
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of vibrato and pitch-varied vocal
models on high school and undergraduate singers’ intonation and use of vibrato.
January 2000
Download the complete issue. Divisions Eastern Division Central Division North Central Division Southern Division Northwestern Division Western Division Southwestern Division
December 1999
Download the complete issue Articles Ethnic Musics in Choral Performance: A Perspective on Problems by Anthony J. Palmer A Composer’s Dilemma: Andreas Hammerschmidt and the Lutheran Theology of Music by Jack Schmidt When the Orchestra Arrives by Thomas Lloyd 1998-99 All State Choirs: Choral Literature and Conductors by Rebecca R. Reames Interviews with William Hall […]