Download the complete issue Articles The Golden Age of Choral Music in the Cathedrals of Colonial Mexico by Teresa Bowers Making Music Meaningful in the Choral Classroom by Sandra Frey Stegman Yesterday’s Music for Today’s Teens: Contextualizing Renaissance Music for High School Choral Classes by Mary Kennedy Repertoire for Women’s Choirs by Mary Lycan Teaching […]
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Making Space for Inclusive Approaches: A Review of Adolescent Gender Identity in High School Choirs
Gender identity has received significant attention in choral music education, perhaps more than any other field of music education research. Issues concerning gender in choirs continue to prove challenging for adolescents and secondary school teachers. This article synthesizes a narrative literature review on gender identity research in high school choirs, offers suggestions for inclusive choral […]
Culturally Relevant Pedagogy and Disengagement in the Choral Classroom: What Can We Learn from the Students?
The purpose of this study was to identify and compare eight students’ and one teacher’s perceptions of engagement/disengagement in a pluralistic choral classroom. Eight racially diverse 7th grade choir students and their teacher were interviewed to determine their perceptions of supporting conditions and behaviors that signaled engagement or disengagement. Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (Ladson-Billings, 1995a, 1995b, […]
March 2000
Download the complete issue Articles Finding the Poet’s Voice: Strategies for Collective Interpretation of Choral Text by Lyn Schenbeck The Vesper Psalms of Late Eighteenth-Century Mexico by Teresa Bowers Rachmaninoff’s Kolokola and the Change of Poetic Meaning in Translation by Andrew Kuster Prickly Puzzles and Daunting Dilemmas: Facing Fate, Fear, and Family Part 3 by […]
Proceedings of the 2022 ACDA International Symposium for Research in Choral Singing
Symposium Chair: Patrick K. Freer, Georgia State UniversityProgram Chair: Bryan E. Nichols, Penn State University Keynote Address (pp 67-73): “Utilizing Multiple Research Methodologies to Examinethe Intersections of Music, Race, and Food in Brazilian Culture: Applications to Researchin Choral Music”by Elisa Dekaney, Syracuse University Symposium Abstracts (pp 74-107), presented alphabetically by last nameCompiled and Edited by […]
Bivocational Music Teaching: Liminal Spaces Between Church and School
The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study was to explore the intersecting landscapes of five public school music teachers who also served as church choir directors. A specific focus was placed on how bivocational participants performed dual roles in two different contexts, and how they called upon their own preparation in music and pedagogy to […]