Ephrata (located near Lancaster) was settled in the eighteenth century by German-speaking religious fundamentalists. The small, celibate community produced a remarkable number of printed and music manuscript hymnals and America’s first musical treatise. Some of the solitary sisters of the community also wrote music, making them the first known female composers in America.
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Working with Transgender and Non-Binary Singers
This session will explore the specific considerations that music educators should know about teaching transgender singers. It will include a discussion of the effects of hormone therapies on voices and possible out-comes for those students who are in transition. Examples will be explored that represent the choices these individuals may need to make regarding the […]
Working with Adolescent Changing Voices
Adolescent voices are in an almost constant state of change throughout much of middle school, high school, and early college. While the boys’ changing voice is the most commonly discussed and studied, girls’ voices change as well. Singers who identify as LGBTQ, particularly transgender singers, may face an additional voice change that many conductors/teachers feel […]
Well-Tempered Collaboration: Eff ective Conductor/ Pianist Collaborations
An effective working relationship between a conductor and pianist can greatly enhance productivity and musicality in the choral rehearsal. Discover what pianists and conductors should expect of each other as musical partners and learn strategies for making this collaboration as constructive as possible. This session, featuring members of both the choral and piano faculty of […]
Using Snapchat and Social Media for Choral Recruiting and Marketing
In today’s world, a social media presence is imperative to the life-blood of a choral program or organization. When targeted appropriately, the different social media platforms can help conductors and singers remain connected outside of the rehearsal room and even provide informal means of assessment. They can keep audiences and donors engaged and informed, providing […]
Unraveling the Mystery of Choral Music Publication: Tips to Help Your Composition Get Published
Have you penned the next epic choral work and need to know howto get it published? Patti Drennan will share from her 30+ years experience in writing for school and church choirs and will offer advice regarding the music writing process, original vs. public domain music and texts, song formatting and organizational ideas, publisher protocol […]