This session will outline successful lesson plans that engage young singers. Many young conductors want help with how to teach a piece and how to plan a rehearsal. This session will give many ideas for the creative use of solfége, teaching strategies, pacing, kinesthetic involvement, and musicianship training based on repertoire. Participants will try some […]
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The Engaged Singer
Getting real musicality/artistry out of middle schoolers can be challenging. Having a “full bodied” performance, physical engagement from head to toe, can bring a choir’s singing to the next level and create an engaging performance for an audience member. This session discusses strategies to get your choirs moving and singing with organic movement that will […]
The Choral Treasures of Catalonia
This session focuses on familiarizing listeners with an overview of choral music from the region of Spain known as Catalonia. Despite a history of successive and extensive periods of political oppression over the centuries, the Catalan people have managed to preserve their language, culture, and music. Today’s robust choral scene in Barcelona and the surrounding […]
Choral Techniques in the Digital Classroom
Participants will explore lessons in Voices in Concert that are designed to build specific choral techniques and skills. Digital tools such as the “iOctavo” will be used to demonstrate a new level of choral instruction in part learning, style acquisition, articulation, and melodic line treatment. Collaborative learning using an iPad/tablet or classroom laptops will be […]
African American Spirituals and Gospel
Have you ever programmed a spiritual or gospel piece but were at a loss as to how to give it life beyond the printed page? African American spirituals are well known to have risen out of the hard labor context of American slavery. How did the rhythm of work songs influence the singing of these […]
All Roads Lead to Repertoire: Creating a Successful Program through Appropriate Literature
The responsibilities of choral directors in the classroom are numerous and can often seem overwhelming. The focus of this session will be how the selection of literature is the crux of the choral program and the basis for all other decisions that are made throughout the academic year. ACDA’s National Chair for Repertoire and Resources […]