It has probably been a while since you took a percussion methods course. Many choral composers have written music with percussion accompaniment; some simply list the instruction “ad lib.” Whether you’re playing the part yourself or helping a student, you will need to know the correct playing techniques. This session will help you gain confidence […]
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Musicality is in Their Hands
The role of a choral conductor is, at its basest level, to show singers when and how to breathe, release sound, and breathe again. One might consider us Air Port Controllers. There is, however, an oft-overlooked resource with great and immediate musical results: the singers’ own hands. This session will explore a series of exercises […]
Jazz Choirs at the Middle School Level
This session will show how to start a jazz choir at the middle school level. Topics include voicings, amplification, literature, rehearsal techniques, and working with rhythm sections.
The Grading Conundrum
Grades. What do they mean? How do we arrive at a grade for students?What is the difference between assessment and grading? What is fair grading practice? What about standards-based grading? Grading and assessment are not always addressed in pre-service music education but are part of the job of every music educator. This session is participatory […]
Finding the Passion, Breaking the Rules: The Music of Claudio Monteverdi
This session will consist of a lecture demonstration that will focus on Claudio Monteverdi’s revolutionary changes in vocal music. A guest choir will perform Monteverdi selections, and Joan Catoni Conlon will make brief interpretive comments on the music.
Creating the Conditions for Inspired Performance
Inspiring people through the power of music and words is the heart of the choral art, yet inspired performance is often seen as the by-product of technical achievement rather than the primary goal. This session offers an approach that puts artistic intent at the center of the rehearsal. Individual singers are encouraged to develop and […]