Our capacity to lead creates a ceiling on our ability to accomplish positive outcomes with our groups and for the individuals in them. This session will explore what effective leadership looks like, both in commonalities of effective leaders and sometimes dramatic differences. Time will be spent exploring personality types and the qualities of our daily […]
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Music in the California Missions
Works from the California missions are elegant and unusual additions to the available choral repertoire and have a uniquely Californian style. Much of the extant music from the mission period lies dormant in large choir manuals. This session aims to share some of the beautiful California mission music while providing an example of how it […]
Mathematics and Minimalism in the Choral Music of David Lang
Among the vast scores of contemporary American composers, David Lang (b. 1957) stands out as a true original. His music is at once serene, hypnotic, and introspective, demanding a great deal of concentration from the performer and listener alike. This session will examine the mathematical properties of selected choral works of David Lang and his […]
Latin Styles in Vocal Jazz
Deepen your understanding and broaden your variety of programming for your ensemble by learning more about Latin styles within vocal jazz. This session will discuss fundamentals of basic Latin grooves and how to move toward stylistic authenticity in performance. Elements to be discussed include bossa nova, samba, phrasing, style, articulation, groove, and diction for Brazilian […]
Interfaith/Intercultural Programming— Jewish Choral Music from the Sephardic and Ashkenazi Traditions
Sephardic Jews are descendants of Spain, where Ladino was the spoken language. Ashkenazi Jews come from the “Pale of Settlement” in Eastern Europe, where Yiddish was the vernacular. This session will introduce and explore a sampling of the choral repertoire available in these two languages, each a hybrid language of its own. Ladino is similar […]
Here’s to Song: Developing Artistry for the Young Singer
A thoughtfully structured, in-depth educational program provides a strong foundation for singers’ personal and musical growth. This session will focus on utilizing a sequential process to build vocal technique, musicianship, choral understanding, repertoire mastery, and full engagement of the communicative elements of performance. Featuring the Apprentice Choir (grades 4-6) and the Intermediate Choir (grades 5-8) […]