New choral music has never been more exciting with many young and fresh composers developing a distinctive voice for themselves in a classical music world overflowing with influences from popular and world-music genres. Dominick DiOrio will lead you through some of the best new scores by many of today’s leading composers, including Caroline Shaw, Ted […]
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Tapping the Source: American Folk-Song Collections
Many wonderful American folksong arrangements are programmed throughout the United States, giving singers exposure to this rich musical tradition while helping to preserve this important heritage. Conductors can also explore the depth, breadth, and character of this music through printed folk-song collections that provide a wealth of material to educate, engage, and edify our singers. […]
Swagger, Gentlemanliness, and Brotherhood: Explorations of Lived Experiences in a High School Men’s Chorus
This session will investigate how participation in a male chorus impacts singers’ lives and identity and view the high school male chorus through the lens of singers’ personal experiences. Helpful models of relationships and values within the male chorus environment, strategies for teaching and maintaining balance while rehearsing male choruses, and male-specific neuroscience will also […]
Soli Deo Gloria: Bach Cantatas in Today’s Worship
The Bach Vespers at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Terrace Park, Ohio, is a service of evening prayer centered on the cantatas of J. S. Bach. As an expression of worship rooted in the creative arts, the service offers aesthetic beauty, religious devotion, and a strengthened community musical life. This session will offer an overview […]
A Sneak Preview of ACDA’s Second National Symposium on American Choral Music: The Music of Latin America
ACDA’s Second National Symposium on American Choral Music will be held June 12–13, 2015, in Austin, Texas. It will focus on Latin American choral music of the colonial and modern periods, featuring some of the leading composers, scholars, and conductors in that field. This session will highlight the headliners, ensembles, and workshops to be featured […]
SmartMusic Can Do That? Maximizing Rehearsal Time with SmartMusic
Although known as an interactive software for instrumentalists, SmartMusic is a valuable tool for choral musicians. SmartMusic is an effective “sight-singing tutor” outside of class and a “teaching assistant” in a rehearsal. As a sight-singing tutor, SmartMusic provides a visual assessment: pitches and rhythms performed correctly appear with green noteheads, while red noteheads indicate errors. […]