-Flowers Among Thorns: A Study of Indianas by Carlos Guastavino
-Rejuvenating France’s Choir School Tradition: An Interview with Mark Opstad
-Musical Moments with Philip Brunelle
-An Interview with Amanda Sprague Hanzlik
-The Informed Conductor: Score Study Considerations for the Beginning Conductor
-International Conductor Exchange Program Relaunches
-2022 Summer Festival and Workshop Listings
Sample Page
ChorTeach Winter 2022 (14.2)
-ChorTeach Editorial Board
-Ask a Conductor Question 1
-Democratic Approaches for the Choral Ensemble
-Performance Anxiety: 5 Strategies
-Reconnecting Singing Communities
-K-12 Resources: Inspiration from ACDA Members
March/April 2022
-Music and Meditation in Michael McGlynn’s O Maria
-Dialogue with Five Contemporary Canadian Choral Composers
-Attention or Autopilot? Motor Learning and the Choral Warm-up
-We Hold These Truths
-Operationalizing Your Diversity Goals through Repertoire Selection
-Connecting with Our Student Members
-IJRCS Volume 9 Abstracts
-Book Reviews
IJRCS Volume 10
In this issue:
The Effects of Rehearsal Sequence on the Musical Expressivity of Young Voices
(C. Hurley, R. Atkins)
Bivocational Music Teaching: Liminal Spaces Between Church and School
(N. Kruse)
Proceedings of the 2022 ACDA International Symposium for Research in Choral Singing
-Keynote Address: Utilizing Multiple Research Methodologies to Examine the Intersections of Music, Race, and Food in Brazilian Culture: Applications to Research in Choral Music
(E. Dekaney)
The Impact of Manual Mimicry Gestures on the Learning of Sung German Phonemes
(C. Daley, H. Rusiewicz, J. Schreiber, J. Grabowski)
–Special Collection on Vocal Health
Foreword: Advancing Vocal Health Research and Practice in Choral Singing Contexts
(J. Daugherty)
Teaching What We Were Taught: A Survey of Choral Music Educators on Vocal Health, Anatomy, and Pedagogy (M. Grady and M. Brunkan)
Singing Scientifically: A Content Analysis of Choral Journal and Science-Based Discussion of the Voice (A. Schmidt)
Vocal Health During the Voice Change: Recollections and Recommendations of Collegiate Male Choral Singers (P. Freer)
“Is Something Wrong With My Daughter’s Voice?” Parental Perceptions of the Female Adolescent Voice Change (J. Sale)
Still singing after all these years – A Perceptual Study of Post-menopausal Singing Voice Behaviors with Implications for Singers, Voice Teachers, and Choral Conductors
(K. Kessler Price)
Key Changes: Choral Directors’ Experiences with Gender-Inclusive Teaching (D. Cates)
Undergraduate Singers’ Voice Use During an Intensive Week of Choir and Musical Rehearsals: A Case Study (M. Schloneger)
Gospel Choir as a Space for Racial and Religious Expression for Black Students at a Predominantly White Institution (D. Pinto)
February 2022
-Diverse Embodiments: How COVID-19 Expanded Choral Practice
-The Choral Music of Florence Beatrice Smith Price
-Advice for the First-Year Teacher (Part 3)
-A Conductor’s Guide to Katarina Gimon’s Elements
-Book, Recorded Sound, Choral Reviews
-2023 National Conference Information
January 2022
Preview of Performing Choirs, Special Events, and Interest Sessions at the 6 ACDA Region Conferences